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Please note, this address is for referring practitioners and general enquiries. Dr Handmer is unable to provide medical advice via email directly to patients. 


Phone: (02) 4001 0147

Fax: (02) 4913 5363

Or via medical objects


Rooms provider numbers:



All mail for both Charlestown and Maitland rooms: 
Dr Marcus Handmer
42 Smith St 

Charlestown 2290



For urgent matters Dr Handmer welcomes contact from colleagues directly to his mobile phone at any time (available from rooms staff in hours, or out of hours connect via hospital switch)


Dr Handmer welcomes participation in Team Care Arrangements


Dr Handmer has appointments reserved for urgent conditions including renal colic/kidney stones, suspected cancer, haematuria and retention, and also provides emergency cover through Lake Macquarie Hospital Emergency Department, as well the public hospital Emergency Department on call rosters


Including, but not limited to:


Prostate cancer / raised PSA (including Robot Assisted Radical Prostatectomy aka robot prostatectomy / RARP / RALP including nerve sparing robotic prostatectomy where appropriate, active surveillance, multidisciplinary management,  incorporating radiotherapy and focal therapy)
Transperineal prostate biopsy, radiotherapy spacers 'Barrigel / SpaceOAR', gold seeds

Kidney and adrenal cancer (including Robot Assisted Partial Nephrectomy 'RAPN' and laparoscopic radical/partial nephrectomy, cytoreductive nephrectomy)

Bladder cancer / haematuria (including radical cystectomy / cystoprostatectomy, bladder sparing multimodal therapy, all cystoscopic/endoscopic management)

Ureteric reimplantation, reconstruction 

Testicular cancer

Major open surgery


Kidney stones / nephrolithiasis (minimally invasive laser lithotripsy, ureteropyeloscopy, basket retrieval, PCNL) including emergency treatment of kidney stones

Renal colic, Ureteric calculi / ureterolithiasis (emergency primary and deferred laser lithotripsy, basket retrieval, non-operative management, PCNL)

Bladder calculi (cystolitholapaxy, laser cystolitholapaxy, open cystolithotomy, combined procedures)



Prostate issues / BPH (lifestyle, medical and surgical management including laser prostatectomy, TURP, prostatic enucleation, emerging techniques)
Emergency urinary retention
Functional voiding disorders
Suprapubic catheters (minimally invasive and formal open placement for higher risk patients)


Dr Handmer is pleased to see patients with any general urology condition, including (and not limited to):

PUJ obstruction (robotic and laparoscopic pyeloplasty)

Selected male fertility (urological workup including cystoscopy and where required, testicular biopsy, varicocele)

Scrotal and penile complaints (medically indicated circumcision, hydrocele, penile curvature)

Infectious disease affecting the urogenital tract

Major urological trauma

Referrals: Resume

Holiday Hours - practice will be closed 20/12 - 6/1, Dr Handmer participates in the emergency 24x7 on-call roster at the JHH

Phone: (02) 4001 0147 Fax: (02) 4913 5363 Email:

Main office:

42 Smith St, Charlestown, NSW 2290

(Free patient parking on site at front and rear of building via laneway)

Also consulting regularly at:

GenesisCare, Suite 1/30 Metford Rd, East Maitland, NSW 2323



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